Monday, October 10, 2011


Welcome to Domestic-Genius. What does Domestic-Genius mean. Well I'm definitely not saying that I'm a complete and utter Genius. I HAVE been known to have genius ideas from time-to-time though (ha-ha). "Domestic-Genius" is the Design Genius in YOU! Some people have a knack for designing, cooking, sewing, painting...etc, some don't. I believe there is a Genius in all of us. The "Domestic" part, well, explains itself.  
                This is not only a blog for interior design, it's a blog about everything that has to do with the home. If you like to cook, sew, knit, paint, draw, re-design, re-do or recycle, this is the place.
           So why not come to the place where you can get an idea that snowballs into a fun and exciting project? Now I'm not saying that there isn't any hard work involved, but the satisfaction of saying that YOU did it, is far greater than the blood, sweat and tears you may put into some projects. So many times I quit in the middle of a project (and I DO have some unfinished ones laying around) because I didn't think it was worth any more of my time (or my "crafter's A.D.D. kicked in). But eventually I went back to some and finished. It made me feel great that I accomplished something. And then the praises from friends and people who found out I DID that project...well it was worth it. It's not just the praise or "props" you'll get, it's the sense of accomplishment and seeing that project finished in your home. 
               Hopefully this blog will help you find your Domestic Genius. If you have unfinished projects (like we all do) it's time to get them out, dust them off and make a list of materials. So lets get started and may you all be Domestic Geniuses.

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